Are you ready to learn how to Remember your SOUL QUALITIES and Joyfully Living Your Godself?
Are you ready to take a quantum leap and stay there?
In our modern world, most people struggle to have a joyful life because they are disconnected from their true essence, their Soul. In this rare collection of success principles, Paul L. Hannah, MD shows you the path to reconnecting to your Godself through brilliant realizations and practices.
Imagine how joyful it is to fulfill your Soul Mission and allow continuous blissful connection throughout the day, to your Godself? Inside this book, you will learn how to take brilliant actions while shifting your attitudes and raising your vibrational frequency to live an inspired life.
You will discover:
- How to wake up to new perspectives
- How to get up and engage life fully
- How to keep up with determination
- Time tested energetic techniques that you can apply right now
- How to awaken and live your truth
- Integrate your mind, body and Godself
If you are ready to consciously participate in the evolution of your Soul, this book is for you!